How many times have you wanted to get off the couch and head to the gym only to find yourself too tired to move your body let alone work out? Feeling defeated, you just wonder “Can’t there be a super energy drink that makes me exercise like a beast or do I have to drag myself to the gym every single day!”.

It has become widely popular among trainees to give their body a boost before an intense fitness session; from pre-workout supplements, pre-workout powder, pre-workout snacks, and stimulant-free pre-workout to many pre-workout drinks that include beta-alanine and amino acids. We figured you might be confused by now about all these available options. That’s why we advise you to go for the all-natural, nutritious pre-workouts. So, here are 10 recipes for homemade pre-workout drinks, with the benefits explained.

1.     Banana & Spinach Smoothie


1 ripe banana

1 cup of spinach

1 cup of almond milk

1 scoop of protein powder (optional)

Ice for a fresh twist

Blend all the ingredients until smooth and drink at least 30 minutes before your workout.

Why This Drink Works:

A rich blend of bananas and spinach makes a supercharged caffeine-free pre-workout drink. Bananas, a powerhouse of natural sugars, dietary fiber, and essential micronutrients like potassium, help maintain nerve function and muscle control while providing quick-release energy. Spinach adds to the nutrient profile with high iron content, supporting oxygen transportation throughout the body, essential during cardio workouts. Adding a scoop of protein powder can increase the protein content, supporting muscle recovery and growth.

2.     Citrus Infused Green Tea


1 Green Tea Bag

1 cup of hot water

Juice of 1/2 lemon or orange

1 teaspoon honey (optional)

Steep the tea in hot water for 3-5 minutes. Remove the bag, let it cool, then add the citrus juice and sweeten as desired.
Why This Drink Works:

Infusing green tea with a generous squeeze of citrus doesn't just tantalize the palate, but serves as a wonderful pre-workout drink. The tea's natural caffeine provides a gentle energy boost, while antioxidants and catechins support cardiovascular health and fat oxidation for better workout efficiency. Citrus provides vitamin C for enhancing iron absorption from the tea while adding a fresh, invigorating taste.

3. Matcha & Coconut Milk Smoothie


1 teaspoon of matcha powder

1 cup of coconut milk

1 banana

Ice for chilling

Blend everything until smooth and consume before your workout for an athletic performance.

Why This Drink Works:

This creamy combination pairs the health-boosting power of matcha, a powdered form of whole green tea leaves, with the satiety-inducing richness of coconut milk. Matcha is high in L-theanine, an amino acid that works synergistically with caffeine to provide sustained energy while promoting focus and concentration. Coconut milk supplies medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), a type of fat that the body can use for immediate energy, enhancing endurance during workouts.

4.     Beetroot & Ginger Juice


1 large beetroot

1 inch of fresh ginger root

1 apple

Juice all the ingredients and drink around 1 hour before your workout.

Why This Drink Works:

This vibrant pairing of beetroot and ginger can supercharge your workout sessions. Beetroot is rich in nitrates that the body converts into nitric oxide to expand blood vessels, thereby improving oxygen and nutrient delivery to working muscles. Concurrently, the spicy kick of ginger may reduce muscle fatigue and exhibit anti-inflammatory effects, potentially improving recovery.

5.     Watermelon & Mint Cooler


2 cups of watermelon cubes

Handful of fresh mint leaves

Ice for chilling

Blend the watermelon and mint, and add ice to chill before drinking.

Why This Drink Works:

A refreshing blend of juicy watermelon and cooling mint offers a delicious pre-workout alternative to sugary commercial drinks. Watermelon is approximately 92% water, helping to maintain hydration for extended workout periods. Furthermore, it's rich in citrulline, an amino acid that can improve blood flow and reduce muscle soreness. Mint leaves add a cool reinvigorating flavor while aiding digestion.

6.     Greek Yogurt & Berry Smoothie


1 cup Greek yogurt

1 cup mixed berries (fresh or frozen)

1 tablespoon honey

Ice for chilling

Blend all the ingredients until smooth.

Why This Drink Works:

Packed with high-quality protein from Greek yogurt, which is essential for muscle repair and growth, this smoothie is a nutritious pre-workout choice. With berries adding natural sweetness and a plethora of antioxidants, this drink also offers anti-inflammatory benefits. The yogurt's probiotics support gut health, promoting the absorption of nutrients needed for an effective workout.

7.     Cold Brew Coffee


1/3 cup of coarsely ground coffee beans

1 1/2 cups of water

Combine coffee and water in a jar and let steep in the fridge overnight. Strain in the morning and consume before your workout.

Why This Drink Works:

Cold brew coffee stands as an easy, caffeine-rich choice for a pre-workout drink. As coffee is naturally high in caffeine, it stimulates the nervous system and increases adrenaline levels, potentially enhancing workout performance by increasing alertness and reducing perceived effort. What also makes this drink a great choice is that cold brew coffee is less acidic and smoother, making it easier on the stomach.

8.     Oatmeal & Chia Seed Shake


1 cup of almond milk

1/2 cup of cooked oatmeal

1 tablespoon of chia seeds

1 ripe banana

Ice for chilling

Blend all the components until smooth before your workout for optimum nutrition and outstanding performance.

Why This Drink Works:

Utilizing oatmeal and chia seeds as the base, this energizing shake offers a solid balance of carbs and protein. Oatmeal's complex carbs offer sustained energy throughout the workout, while it's also an unexpected source of plant-based protein. Chia seeds, on the other hand, are filled with fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, helping in body recovery and reducing inflammation.

9.     Pineapple & Turmeric Blend


1 cup pineapple chunks

1 cup coconut water

1/2 teaspoon turmeric

Ice for chilling

Blend all the ingredients until smooth and consume before working out.

Why This Drink Works:

Harnessing the tropical allure of pineapple with the earthy touch of turmeric, this flavorful drink is a fantastic pre-workout choice. Pineapple offers essential micronutrients like vitamin C and manganese to support overall health and hydration, with the natural sweetness offering quick-release energy. Turmeric, renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties, can help reduce post-workout inflammation and speed your recovery.

10.  Almond & Date Smoothie


10-12 almonds (soaked overnight)

2-3 dates

1 cup of almond milk

Ice for chilling

Blend all the components until smooth and feel its force jolt through your body!

Why This Drink Works:

This nutritious smoothie relies on dates for natural sweetness and quick energy, while almonds provide the protein, necessary for muscle repair and recovery. Almonds also supply healthy fats and high amounts of vitamin E, a potent antioxidant, while dates are rich in potassium, essential for maintaining proper muscle function.

Turn the Beast Mode on

Drawing upon readily accessible whole-food ingredients can equip you with pre-workout drinks that not only taste delicious but also propel your workout performance. From natural energizers to muscle recovery aids, each of these homemade pre-workout drinks harnesses the power of natural ingredients to prepare your body for exercise. It's empowering and satisfyingly simple to craft your pre-workout shakes - a habit that could fuel up your fitness journey in the long term, as you have complete control over what goes into your energy booster.

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